Etnia Travel Concept

The Real New Yorker Package

Starting from 3 nights. Packages for 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 nights available

Partenze 2023 / 2024
Every day of the week!

Giorno: 1
New York

Arrivo all’Hotel Riu Plaza Times Square con un trasferimento (seat on coach). In hotel, dopo aver effettuato il check in, avrete a disposizione nella lobby il concierge Volatour aperto tutti i giorni dalle 8 alle 16 con personale parlante italiano. Il vostro hotel si trova letteralmente nel cuore di NY, la Grande Mela, una delle più vibranti e cosmopolite città del mondo!
Pernottamento in albergo.
Hotel: RIU Plaza Times Square o similare

Giorno: 2
New York

Colazione a buffet. Giro città di Manhattan per mezza giornata con guida parlante italiano. Le tappe del tour attraversano i più famosi punti di interesse della città, passando per Midtown dove si potranno ammirare la Trump Tower, Rockefeller Center e la Cattedrale di San Patrick. Il tour proseguirà verso il leggendario Central Park e molti altri simboli della città, per poi continuare a sud verso i quartieri di Soho. Greenwich Village, Little Italy, China Town. Si arriverà poi al Distretto Finanziario e da li fino a Battery Park, una finestra sulla Statua della Libertà che si potrà scorgere in lontananza.
Rientro e drop off agli ufifici di Volatour. Cena all’Hard Rock Cafe o similare (ritiro del voucher presso l’ufficio di Volatour su 33W 46th street o presso il Concierge di Volatour in hotel. Pernottamento in hotel.
Hotel: RIU Plaza Times Square o similare
(Il giorno del giro città può cambiare in base al tempo o ad altre condizioni; sarà in inglese se non verrà raggiunto un minimo di 4 persone della stessa lingua.)

Giorno: 3
New York

Colazione a buffet. Salita sull’osservatorio The Edge, la nuova attrazione da non perdere nel quartiere di Hudson Yards! Possibilità’ di arrichire l’itinerario con ulteriori escursioni*.
Pernottamento in albergo.
Hotel: RIU Plaza Times Square o similare

Giorno: 4
New York

Colazione a buffet. Check out e trasferimento in Aeroporto (seat on coach) a cura di Volatour.


  • Transfer in (seat on coach)
  • from 3 – 10 notti alberghi di prima categoria (a seconda del pacchetto scelto)
  • from 3 – 10 colazioni a buffet
  • Facchinaggio [una valigia a testa]
  • Assistenza (Volatour Concierge) 7 giorni su 7 nella lobby dell’hotel de 8am – 4pm
  • Visite: Giro Citta’ di Manhattan per mezza giornata (il giorno del tour puo’ variare in
    base al tempo o altre condizioni)
  • Una guida parlante italiano dove indicato nell’itinerario
  • 1 Cena all’Hard Rock Cafe o similare (senza accompagnatore)
  • Ingressi: The Edge o similare (escursioni libere senza accompagnatore)
  • Riu Plaza resort fees
  • Transfer out (seat on coach)



15 giorni da Windhoek alle Cascate Vittoria (sistemazione in hotel/lodge/guesthouse 3-4 stelle)


 Passeggiate fra le grandi dune del Sossusvlei e del deserto del Namib.

 Attività facoltative a Swakopmund.

 Fotosafari e osservazione notturna degli animali del Parco Nazionale dell’Etosha.

 Fiumi Kwando & Okavango

 Crociera al tramonto per osservare gli animali sul fiume Chobe.

 Due notti alle Cascate Vittoria.

1° giorno: WINDHOEK

Pomeriggio libero per visitare Windhoek, la capitale della Namibia. Pernottamento all’Hotel Safari Court o similare. (Pasti non inclusi)

2° e 3° giorno: SESRIEM

Incontro con la guida alla reception del vostro albergo alle ore 10 e trasferimento al lodge riservato, situato ai bordi del deserto del Namib. La mattina seguente partiremo presto per Sossusvlei, facendo una sosta lungo la catena di dune per assaporare i mutevoli colori delle dune di sabbia più alte del mondo. Passeggiata di 5km fino a Sossusvlei e a Deadvlei. Nel pomeriggio faremo una breve e piacevole passeggiata attraverso il Sesriem Canyon. Pernottamento al Desert Camp o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi)

4° e 5° giorno: SWAKOPMUND

Proseguendo il nostro viaggio verso nord arriveremo a Walvis Bay, sulla costa, dove pranzeremo osservando le grandi moltitudini di fenicotteri. Il pomeriggio e il giorno seguente saranno dedicati alla visita della citta` di Swakopmund caratterizzata da un’atmosfera coloniale prettamente tedesca. Sono disponibili anche diversi tipi di escursioni (a proprie spese) tra cui: il “sandboarding” (surfing sulla sabbia), “quad biking” (moto a quattro ruote), skydiving (paracadutismo), kayak, giri in mongolfiera o voli panoramici sopra il vasto deserto del Namib. Pernottamento presso l’hotel The Delight o similare. (Prima colazione inclusa).

6° giorno: DAMARALAND

Il viaggio prosegue verso l’entroterra, nella regione di Damaraland, caratterizzata da terreni vasti e aspri le cui montagne sporgono tra ampie pianure sassose che si trasformano in vallate sabbiose, letti di fiume ricoperti di vegetazione e calde, secche vallate. Il lodge è situato in cima ad una montagna da cui poter godere di un meraviglioso panorama. Pomeriggio libero per rilassarsi a bordo piscina. Pernottamento presso l’ Ugab Terrace Lodge o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).


Proseguimento del nostro viaggio verso il Parco Nazionale Etosha dove effettueremo il nostro primo fotosafari all’interno del Parco. La sera possibilità di avvistamenti degli animali che vengono ad abbeverarsi presso la pozza illuminata del restcamp. Pernottamento presso l’Okakeujo Restcamp all’interno del Parco Etosha o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).


Questo Parco è una delle più importanti riserve e rifugi faunistici dell’Africa con migliaia di animali selvatici come gli gnu blu, i cerbiatti, le zebre, i “kudu”, le giraffe, i ghepardi, i leopardi, I leoni e gli elefanti che hanno trovato in questo parco il loro habitat. La giornata sarà dedicata ad attraversare il Parco da Ovest ad Est e saranno numerosi gli avvistamenti degli animali soprattutto all’alba e al tramonto. Pernottamento presso il Namutoni Restcamp all’interno del Parco Etosha o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).


Entrando nell’area di Caprivi passeremo la notte tra la lussureggiante vegetazione che domina il fiume Okavango. Pomeriggio libero per effettuare un’escursione facoltativa in barca sul fiume (a proprie spese). Pernottamento presso l’Hakusembe River Lodge o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).

10° giorno: IL FIUME KWANDO

Proseguimento verso la parte est dell’area del Caprivi e arrivo al nostro lodge, situato sulle rive del fiume Kwando. Un’area lussureggiante ricca di animali e uccelli, possibilità di esplorarla con un fotosafari facoltativo nel tardo pomeriggio (a proprie spese). Pernottamento presso il Namushasha River Lodge o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).

11° e 12° giorno: IL FIUME CHOBE

Arriveremo in Botswana attraversando il fiume Zambezi su una chiatta per poi entrare nel Parco nazionale del Chobe. Il Chobe e` famoso per i suoi bellissimi panorami, i suoi magnifici tramonti e l’abbondanza di animali ed uccelli. Ci rilasseremo durante una piacevole crociera sul fiume per osservare gli animali. Il giorno successivo è libero per effettuare i fotosafari all’interno del Parco (a proprie spese). Pernottamento presso il Chobe Safari Lodge o similare. (Prima colazione e cena inclusi).

13° e 14° giorno: VICTORIA FALLS

Attraverseremo il confine con lo Zimbabwe verso le Cascate Vittoria, senza dubbio uno degli spettacoli più suggestivi e grandiosi dell’Africa. Passeremo le giornate a curiosare nei mercati locali e a provare alcune delle tante attività disponibili nella vivace capitale africana, per esempio: “white water rafting”, “bunji jumping”, voli sopra le cascate in piccoli aereoplani o in elicottero, passeggiate sulle orme dei rinoceronti, safari sul dorso di elefanti, e visite alle cascate (a proprie spese). Pernottamento presso l’A’Zambezi River Lodge (River Facing Room) – camera vista fiume) o similare. (Pernottamento con prima colazione).

15° giorno: VICTORIA FALLS

Il nostro tour terminerà dopo la colazione. (Inclusa) Nota: L’itinerario è può subire variazioni e dipende dalle condizioni meteorologiche e stradali locali.

WATERFALLS e WILDLIFE Viaggio Overland in stile Crossland


Note: questo tour è disponibile sia nella versione camping che accomodated

Okavango Delta Excursion
Included in the tour price is a full day excursion into the Okavango Delta. A 2-night package is available for purchase, should you wish to spend 2 nights in the Okavango Delta. If you have chosen the 2-night package, please note that you will not participate in the Moremi Game Reserve game drive. A minimum number of 2 guests is required in order for the 2-night excursion to operate.
2-Night Excursion per person sharing: R15,460 per person | Single Supplement: R8,200 per person

Day 1 – Johannesburg to Kalahari Gateway
Leaving behind the city of Johannesburg, we travel through the North-West Province to the Botswana border. After completing border formalities we continue on the Trans-Kalahari highway to our overnight stop.

Accommodation Kang Ultra Stop
Route Johannesburg to Kang
Meals Lunch, Dinner

Day 2 – Kalahari Gateway to Ghanzi
After breakfast we venture deeper into the Central Kalahari and our camp in the Ghanzi district, here we will spend time getting to know the
fascinating San people. This afternoon we will join our San guides for a guided walk that will introduce us to the many secrets of their survival in the Kalahari Desert. The nomadic San are hunter-gatherers that have passed down a rich knowledge of the plants and animals that play such an important part in their lifestyle. This evening we will get a first-hand experience of the San culture, well known for its rich traditions of song, dance and story-telling.

Accommodation Dqae Qare San Lodge OR Ghanzi Trail Blazers
Route Kang to Ghanzi
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight San Guided Walk (late afternoon) / San Evening Dance Performance

Day 3 – Maun
This morning we bid farewell to the San and make our way to Maun, gateway to the Okavango Delta. There will be time this afternoon for those who wish to enjoy an optional scenic flight over the Okavango Delta. Your guides will brief you this evening on what you will need for the upcoming Delta excursions.

Accommodation Sedia Riverside Lodge or similar. OR Sitatunga
Optional Activity Scenic Flight over Okavango Delta (for those guests who have not purchased the Moremi game drive)
Route Nata to Maun
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4 – Okavango Delta
The most rewarding and enjoyable way to explore and experience the beauty and serenity of this intricate system of lily covered channels and
lagoons, is by mokoro. Heading out early, we will be transferred by safari vehicle to the poling station (approximately 1 hour transfer) where we will meet the polers who will be escorting us into the Delta. The polers will steer us through the serene area of narrow, reed lined channels which open out onto beautiful lagoons. Reaching one of the many islands, a nature walk may be taken with your poler. After the walk, we return by mokoro through the channels back to the mooring station. While the mokoro trail is not primarily a game viewing activity, a variety  of game may be encountered in this pristine wilderness area including elephant, giraffe, kudu, impala and zebra. Those guests who have pre-purchased the 2- night package – will be flown into the Delta this morning and will re-join the group on the morning of day 6. Please speak to your consultant for a copy of the programme for your Okavango Delta Excursion.

Accommodation Sedia Riverside Lodge or similar. OR Sitatunga
Route Maun – Okavango Delta – Maun
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Okavango Delta Full Day Excursion
Optional Activity 2-Night Okavango Delta Excursion

Day 5 – Maun (Moremi Game Reserve)
You will be collected from the hotel before first light and we will drive to the South gate to enter Moremi Game Reserve. As the lagoons and
channels form a vital section of the Okavango Delta eco-system, sightings of bird and animal populations become more frequent as the day
progresses. The game viewing routes chosen on the day by the professional guide may vary especially when high floods are experienced as certain roads may be closed or impassable. Those guests who have purchased the 2-Night Okavango Delta excursion will not participate in the Moremi Game Reserve game drive.

Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Moremi Game Reserve full day excursion
Optional Activity Scenic Flight over the Okavango Delta

Day 6 – Nata
Leaving Maun behind us this morning we make our way towards the town of Nata. We will spend most of the day in our truck as we journey
across the northern reaches of the Makgadikgadi Pans. On arrival at our destination in Nata, you have the opportunity to enjoy an optional
afternoon guided game drive to the Makgadikgadi Pans, which forms the breeding ground for a host of water birds including pelicans and flamingo in their thousands.

Accommodation Pelican Lodge
Route Maun to Nata
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Optional Activity Makgadikgadi Salt Pans (Nata Sanctuary)

Day 7 – Chobe National Park
We rise early this morning as we continue north to our camp on the banks of the Chobe River. This afternoon is set aside for exploring the Chobe National Park. We begin our exploration with an optional game drive in 4×4 vehicles and our afternoon ends with a leisurely boat cruise which allows us an up close and personal experience with the many elephants that frequent the river in the afternoons.

Accommodation Thebe River Safaris
Route Nata to Kasane
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Chobe National Park Boat Cruise
Optional Activity Chobe National Park Game Drive

Day 8 – Kasane – Victoria Falls
With the memories of our wildlife encounters firmly etched in our minds, we cross the border to Zimbabwe this morning and travel the short
distance to Victoria Falls. The bustling adventure town of Victoria Falls offers a range of optional activities for those wanting a dose of adrenaline and upon arrival you will have the chance to book these various activities. For the more relaxed traveller there are craft markets to explore and a delicious high tea is on offer at the Victoria Falls Hotel.

Accommodation Victoria Falls Rainbow Hotel
Route Kasane to Victoria Falls
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Optional Activity Visit to the Victoria Falls, Bungee Jump, Gorge Swing, Sunset Cruise, Helicopter Flights, Boma Dinner Experience

Day 9 – Victoria Falls
With the many activities on offer in Victoria Falls, today is the perfect day for the adventure that most suits your style. Whether rafting the mighty Zambezi River or enjoying a scenic flight over the falls below, this is your day to enjoy the many attractions on offer in Victoria Falls.

Accommodation Victoria Falls Rainbow Hotel
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Optional Activity Visit to the Victoria Falls, Bungee Jump, Gorge Swing, Sunset Cruise, Helicopter Flights, Boma Dinner Experience

Day 10 – Victoria Falls to Hwange National Park
This morning we leave the rumble and adventure of Victoria Falls behind us as we make the journey south to Hwange National Park. Hwange is the largest of Zimbabwe’s national parks and offers excellent opportunities for viewing the diversity of wildlife that calls the park home.

Accommodation Hwange Main Camp
Route Victoria Falls to Hwange National Park
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Optional Activity Victoria Falls National Park Entry, Hwange Sundowner Drive

Day 11 – Hwange National Park
Home to the big-5, Hwange National Park also offers a wide variety of plains game and birdlife. We will spend the day game driving (in open 4×4 vehicles) through Hwange in search of the animals.

Accommodation Hwange Main Camp
Route Hwange National Park
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Full day Hwange National Park game drive

Day 12 – Matopos National Park
After breakfast we continue south towards Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe. Our afternoon will be spent exploring the Matopos National Park with a local guide. The park received recognition as a UNESCO natural World Heritage Site in 2003 and includes an intensive protection zone that is home to both Black and White Rhinoceros. Named after the Ndebele word “Matobo “, whose meaning “bald heads” refers to the rounded granite hills that surround it. We return to Bulawayo and our overnight stop for the night.

Accommodation Travellers Guest House
Route Hwange National Park to Bulawayo to Matopos National Park
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Afternoon game drive in Matopos National Park

Day 13 – Great Zimbabwe Ruins
Our journey today takes us to Masvingo and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. This afternoon we will enjoy a guided walking tour of this historic site.
Dating back to the Late Iron Age, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was once the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe. We take time this afternoon
to marvel at the intricate stone work and experience the heritage of this monument to early Zimbabwean civilisation.

Accommodation Norma Jeans Lake View Resort
Route (Bulawayo) Matopos National Park to Great Zimbabwe Ruins (Masvingo)
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Included Highlight Visit to the Great Zimbabwe Ruins

Day 14 – Tshipise

Leaving the sites of Zimbabwe behind we cross the Limpopo River and enter South Africa this afternoon. Our overnight stop allows us an
opportunity to end the day with a swim in the hot springs of Tshipise.

Accommodation Forever Tshipise Resort
Route Great Zimbabwe Ruins (Masvingo) to Tshipise
Included Highlight Tshipise Hot Springs

Day 15 – Johannesburg
This morning we take the highway south to Johannesburg, we arrive at Belvedere Estate in the late afternoon and all travellers are invited to join
us for a traditional meal tonight. This can be booked with your guide on the day before arrival. Many great tales are shared and tonight is for
celebrating the many wonders of African travel.

Accommodation Own Arrangements / Post tour accommodation can be booked through Nomad.
Route Tshipise to Johannesburg
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Optional Activity Traditional meal at Belvedere Estate

BEST OF NAMIBIA Viaggio Overland in Stile Crossland


Note: questo tour è disponibili sia nella versione camping che in quella accomodated

 Note: questo tour è disponibile anche nella direzione opposta da Windhoek a Cape Town (Sud)


Day 1 – South Africa – Cederberg Region

The Cederberg region not only boasts spectacular mountains and orange farms, but it is also the home of the Rooibos bush. Indigenous to the
mountain slopes of the Cedarberg, this herbal beverage has earned an international reputation as a healthy and refreshing alternative to regular tea. The Cedarberg region is known for its mountain fynbos and spectacular views of the rugged Cedarberg Mountains. A dinner at our overnight stop offers an opportunity for us to get acquainted while enjoying some South African hospitality.

Accommodation Marcuskraal Campsite

Meals:  Lunch, Dinner

Day 2 – Namaqualand – Gariep (Orange) River

Namaqualand presents us with our first experience of the Desert vistas that will accompany us in the days ahead. We continue our journey north and after a short stop for supplies in Springbok, we travel to our camp on the banks of the Orange River. If you are fortunate enough to be travelling in the spring months (July to September) you may encounter the wild flowers that have made this region famous. No matter the time of year though, the strange desert vistas offer a unique backdrop to this day’s travel.

Accommodation Fiddlers Creek Campsite

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Spring Wild Flowers (Seasonal July – September)

Day 3 – Namibia – Gariep (Orange) River – Fish River Canyon

While the Orange River was named after the Dutch Royal House, in recent times it has been referred to by its original name of Gariep, which simply means “river” in the indigenous KhoeKhoe language. Beginning its journey in the mountains of Lesotho, the Orange River is the longest river in South Africa and offers a unique contrast to the desert landscapes along its banks. The best way to experience the river is by getting out on the water and this morning we have the opportunity to join an optional canoe trip on the river. Around midday (after lunch) we depart the Orange River and head inland, crossing the border into Namibia. We make a brief stop at the mineral hot springs for a dip in the pool before arriving at our camp in the late afternoon.

Accommodation NWR: Hobas Campsite

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Optional Activity Half-day canoe trip

Day 4 – Fish River Canyon, Quiver Tree Forest and Giants Playground

We rise early this morning, pack up our camp, making our way to the rim of the Fish River Canyon. We arrive in time to catch the morning sunrays filter through the canyon. After stretching our legs with a gentle walk along the rim of the canyon, we turn west and head for Keetmanshoop. Our afternoon will be spent meandering through the Quiver Tree Forest and The Giants Playground – named for the way in which the massive dolerite boulders have been placed on each other – creating rock formations and a series of mazes.

Accommodation Seeheim Hotel

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlights Scenic walk along the rim of Fish River Canyon / Visit to Quiver Tree Forest and Giants Playground

Day 5 – Namib-Naukluft National Park

Every overland journey has some long travelling days and today is one of those as we venture deeper into the Namib Desert. Our destination is the dune fields that cover the western reaches of the desert. Long dusty roads and sparsely populated farmlands offer us an insight into the vastness of rural Namibia. From the grasslands in the east to the red dunes of the west, the slowly changing landscapes represents the many faces of this desert country. Tonight we camp on the doorstep of the dune fields and fall asleep to the unique calls of the elusive Barking Gecko.

Accommodation NWR: Sesriem campsite

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Sesriem Canyon

Day 6 – Sossusvlei Dunes – Namib-Naukluft National Park

Watching the sunrise over the red dunes is an iconic highlight of any trip to Namibia and this morning we rise before the sun to capture this
magnificent moment. A brisk climb up Dune 45 offers us the perfect vantage point to marvel at the changing colours of the desert sunrise. Once satisfied we descend this famous dune and enjoy a hearty breakfast before catching a 4×4 transfer into Sossusvlei, here we will spend time on foot visiting the pans at Sossusvlei and Deadvlei. Tonight we empty the red sand from our shoes and spend the night under the magnificent desert stars, knowing that we have spent a full-day enjoying the wonders of this harsh land. This afternoon we join a local expert for an educational desert excursion.

Accommodation Boesman’s Camp or similar. (No website)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Sunrise hike up Dune 45, 4×4 shuttle to Sossusvlei / Deadvlei, Guided desert walk with local expert

Day 7 – Swakopmund

Reluctantly we leave the Namib behind and after a stop to mark our crossing of the Tropic of Capricorn, we continue to the Atlantic coastline.
Today we continue west and make our way to the coastal town of Swakopmund, where adventure and a dose of civilisation await. We make a brief stop at the Walvis Bay lagoon, where we hope to catch a glimpse of the Flamingo’s that feed in the shallows. Arriving in Swakopmund we will have the opportunity to book some of the many adventures on offer.

Accommodation Amanpuri Travellers Lodge
Strauss Holiday Accommodation

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Activity Tropic of Capricorn, Walvis Bay Lagoon

Day 8 – Swakopmund

While for many it is the adrenaline fuelled adventures that will grab their attention, Swakopmund offers all that and more. Take the opportunity today to explore the town at your leisure, as there are a number of attractions for every taste. Not to be missed is the selection of famed coffee shops and bakeries that offer a delightful range of German inspired treats. Swakopmund offers all the conveniences of a small city and is the perfect launching pad for the journey through the northern reaches of the land.

Accommodation Amanpuri Travellers Lodge
Strauss Holiday Accommodation

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Optional Activity Dolphin cruise, Skydiving, sandboarding, Quad biking, Dinner

Day 9 – Spitzkoppe to Brandberg

Leaving early, we make our way to the massive granite formations of Spitzkoppe which tower 700 metres above the desert plains below. The
presence of rock art indicates their significance to the San people who lived here many years ago. We will enjoy a walk and have the opportunity to view some examples of the San’s rock art before setting off for our overnight stop for the evening.

Accommodation Brandberg White Lady

Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Visit and explore Spitzkoppe

Day 10 – Brandberg White Lady

The Brandberg (Burning Mountains) are regarded as the highest in Namibia and home to the famous White Lady, one of more than 45,000 rock paintings in the area. This morning we will make the 1-hour hike to visit the painting that is said to be around 2,000 years old.

Day 11 – Etosha National Park

Rising early this morning we drive to the Etosha National Park. Etosha is the venue for some of the most unique game viewing experiences in
Africa. This afternoon we reach the park and begin with our first game drive as we make our way to the rest camp.

Accommodation NWR: Okaukuejo

Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Afternoon game drive in Nomad truck

Day 12 – Etosha National Park

Our second day in Etosha allows for a full day to continue our exploration of the park. No day on safari is ever the same and the suspense before that special sighting is the motivation that keeps our eyes wide open. We explore the edges of Etosha Pan in search of the abundant wildlife that occurs in the park.

Accommodation NWR: Okaukuejo

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Full day game drive in Nomad truck

Day 13 – Windhoek

It is an early rise as we take aim for Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia. Upon arrival in Windhoek, we will take a short walk through the city centre and have the opportunity to view some its better known landmarks. Your tour comes to an end upon arrival in Windhoek (after the short walk through the city).

Accommodation Own Arrangements / Post tour accommodation can be booked through Nomad

Meals Breakfast, Lunch

Included Highlight Walk through Windhoek with your guide

ESWATINI e KRUGER Viaggio Overland in Stile Crossland


Note: questo tour è disponibile sia nella versione camping che accomodated

Note: questo tour è disponibile anche nella direzione opposta da Johannesburg a Durban (sud)


Day 1 – Kwa Zulu Natal Coast – St Lucia

After meeting your crew, we depart Durban and head north towards the town of St Lucia.

Accommodation Shonalanga

Route Durban to St Lucia

Meals: Dinner

Day 2 – Hluhluwe – Umfolozi Game Reserve / iSimangaliso Wetland Park

We set out early this morning for a game drive in the nearby Hluhulwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve, one of the last strongholds of the endangered
rhinoceros. While rhinoceros are the most famous of the parks inhabitants, the park also provides a home to many other species, including the Big-5 that we all hope to see. Returning to our lodging for a siesta, we freshen up for an afternoon boat cruise on St Lucia estuary.

Accommodation Shonalanga

Route Durban to St Lucia

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Game Drive in Hluhluwe/Imfolozi National Park, St. Lucia Boat Cruise

Day 3 – Eswatini – Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

An early start and we are off to Eswatini (formerly known as the Kingdom of Eswatini), this afternoon we have the opportunity to join many of the optional activities that are offered here. Take your choice from game drives, mountain biking or a visit to the Chief’s village.

Accommodation Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

Route St Lucia to Eswatini

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Optional Activity Game Drives, Swazi Cultural Experience, Mountain Biking and Hiking

Day 4 – Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

Endless hours of self-guided exploration within the small 4560ha Mlilwane sanctuary are possible due to the relative absence of dangerous game.
This morning our guide will lead us out on a nature walk to explore the “ Nature Trail “ which provides interpretation of historical and
environmental information of the area.

Accommodation Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary

Camping: Campsite with Shared Ablutions

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Activity Nature Walk with Nomad guide – Optional Activity Game Drives, Mountain Biking and Hiking

Day 5 – South Africa – Kruger National Park

Setting off back to South Africa, we make aim for the Kruger National Park and begin with our first game drive in the Nomad truck as we enter the gates of the park. The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s flagship national park and sightings of the “ big five “ has become something of a quest for many guests. The Kruger NP has more that it’s fair share of animals and with approximately 147 mammal species we will spend our time in search of both big and small.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve

Route Eswatini to Kruger National Park area

Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Activity Game drive in Nomad truck, Kruger National Park

Day 6 – Kruger Park – Panorama Route

We set out a little later today and travel the short distance to the Panorama Route. Strung along the escarpment that divides the central plateau and low-lying bushveld of the Kruger, the sights of the Panorama route offer us a day of scenic delights. We will visit the highlights of Bourke’s Luck Potholes, the Three Rondavels and God’s Window before returning to camp in the late afternoon.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Panorama Route – Bourke’s Luck Potholes, Blyde River Canyon, God’s Window

Day 7 – Kruger National Park

Rising early this morning we enter the Kruger National Park to enjoy a full-day of game viewing. This full day game drive offers a unique view of the park from an open-sided 4×4 vehicle. This evening there is an opportunity for an optional Sundowner Drive.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve

Route Kruger National Park

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Included Highlight Kruger National Park 4×4 game drive – Optional Activity Sunset Drive (there is a concession fee applicable)

Day 8 – Kruger National Park to Johannesburg

While those who elect to do the optional morning walk will have an earlier start, we will pack up and set off for our final destination,
Johannesburg. We arrive at Belvedere Estate in the late afternoon and all travellers are invited to join us for a traditional meal tonight. This can be booked with your guide on the day before arrival. Many great tales are shared and tonight is for celebrating the many wonders of African travel.

Accommodation Own Arrangements / Post tour accommodation can be booked through Nomad.

Route Great Kruger NP area to Johannesburg

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Optional Activity Morning Bush Walk (Subject to Availability) / Traditional meal at Belvedere Estate

SOUTH AFRICAN EXPLORER Viaggio overland in Stile Crossland


Note: questo tour è disponibile sia nella versione camping che accomodated

Note: questo tour è disponibile anche nella direzione opposta da Johannesburg a Cape Town (sud)

Day 1 – The Cape Whale Coast Route
Made up of a collection of villages, farms, rivers, bays, coves and valleys, the Cape Whale Coast is a pristine stretch of the South African coastline
which runs from the town of Rooiels for roughly 150km, to the east. We have a full day ahead of us which takes us from the bustling city centre of
Cape Town via the vineyards and town of Stellenbosch to the town of Hermanus – not forgetting a stop at the largest breeding colony of the
African Penguin, Stony Point Nature Reserve. During the months of July to November you may be lucky enough to see the southern right whales
that visit the bay in Hermanus.

Accommodation Windsor Hotel
Facilities Accommodated: Two per Room with En-suite Bathroom
Route Cape Town to Hermanus
Meals Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Walk through the town of Stellenbosch, Stony Point Penguin Colony visit, Chocolate & Wine tasting

Day 2 – Route 62 – Oudtshoorn
Crossing the Hottentots-Holland Mountains this morning we set out for the Klein Karoo and our overnight stop in Oudtshoorn. We follow the
scenic Route 62 today, stopping to experience one of the many farm stalls on the way. One of the more quirky highlights today is Ronnie’s Sex
Shop, not a sex shop at all, but a rather interesting country pub! Our day ends with a guided tour of the famous Cango Caves, we can only marvel
at the astonishing formations that have formed in these impressive limestone caves.

Accommodation Kleinplaas Holiday Resort OR Oude Meul Country Lodge
Route Hermanus to Oudtshoorn
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Stop at Ronnie’s Sex Shop, Cango Caves Basic Tour

Day 3 – Heart of Garden Route
Our morning starts as we make our way over the Outeniqua Mountains and descend to the beautiful Garden route coastline below. Our first stop
for the day is a visit to the George Museum, a quirky and interesting museum displaying the local timber trade of the area. In the coming days we
spend time hiking, relaxing at the beach and sampling the many optional activities available.

Accommodation The Dunes Hotel
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight George Museum & Gardens
Route Oudtshoorn to Garden Route

Day 4 – Tsitsikamma
The Garden Route is a treasure trove of beautiful beaches, forest walks and an exciting menu of optional adventures. While our morning is set
aside for some relaxation on the beaches of Plettenberg Bay, today offers a number of optional activities and your guide will assist you to get the
most out the day. This afternoon we have the opportunity to visit the hidden gem of Nature’s Valley, this beautiful village offers us a chance to
enjoy a hike or simply relax on the pristine beach in this little paradise. In order to make the most of this day, the truck will run a set schedule and
you are free to join or leave at the places that interest you.

Accommodation Accommodated: Tsitsikamma Cottages OR Tsitsikamma Village Inn

Route Wilderness to Tsitsikamma
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Natures Valley Nature Walk

Optional Activity Township Tour, Ocean Safaris, Sea Kayaking, Monkeyland, Birds of Eden and Bloukrans Bungee Jump

Day 5 – Tsitsikamma
Tsitsikamma National Park is one of South Africa’s premier marine reserves and this morning we set out to explore the rugged coastline on foot.
Our hike along the Waterfall Trail sees us cover the first section of the world renowned Otter Trail, this is not an easy hike and those who prefer a
more leisurely option can make use of the boardwalks to the Storms River Mouth. We return after our hike and you will have the opportunity to

Accommodation Accommodated: Tsitsikamma Cottages OR Tsitsikamma Village Inn
Camping: Tsitsikamma Cottages OR Tube n Axe Tsitsikamma
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Tsitsikamma National Park entrance and hike with your Nomad guide
Optional Activity Treetop canopy tours, Woodcutters Journey

Day 6 – Greater Addo Elephant National Park area
This morning we set out for the Eastern Cape and the Addo National Park. We make a stop this morning in the surfing mecca of Jeffrey’s Bay,
famous for its waves. You have the opportunity to visit the small surfing museum, catch a quick wave or simply enjoy a cup of coffee overlooking
these famous waves. This afternoon we will make our first visit to seek the elephants after which Addo is named.

Accommodation Kudu Ridge Lodge
Route Tsitsikamma National Park to Addo Elephant National Park
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Jeffrey’s Bay and an afternoon game drive in Addo National Park (in the Nomad truck)

Day 7 – Greater Addo Elephant National Park area
This morning you will have the option to visit Port Elizabeth before returning to camp for lunch. In the afternoon we visit Addo, famed for the
elephants after which the park was named. Recent expansion has seen Addo grow to become the third largest of South Africa’s National Parks. The
unique vegetation of Addo supports a wide variety of wildlife and we will spend the afternoon in search of the animals that call Addo home.

Accommodation Kudu Ridge Lodge
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Afternoon game drive in Addo NP (in the Nomad truck)

Day 8 – Graaff Reinet
The historic town of Graaff-Reinet nestles in the heartland of the Great Karoo and offers a unique insight into the history of this arid region. It is
also the fourth oldest town in the country. This evening you will join a sundowner excursion to the Valley of Desolation, this unique valley offers a
panoramic view over the town and the wide open plains stretching out below. Kindly note that during the winter months, this activity will become
a Sunrise excursion to the valley of Desolation the following morning.

Accommodation Profcon Resort
Route Addo to Graaff Reinet
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Valley of Desolation Sundowner Tour

Day 9 – Lesotho – Malealea
This morning we cut across the vast expanse of the Great Karoo, our destination is nestled in the heights of Lesotho. This autonomous mountain
kingdom boasts the highest peaks in Southern Africa and is one of the highest countries in the world, the entire kingdom lies over 1000m above
sea level. Having crossed the mighty Orange River, we enter the border of Lesotho and make the climb to our camp set high in the mountains.

Accommodation Malealea Lodge
Route Graaff Reinet to Lesotho
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 10 – Lesotho – Malealea
The clean air of the mountains accompanies us this morning as we explore the mountains on foot, our hike concludes with a village visit and the
opportunity to gain insight into the community that calls these mountains home. The Basotho are famous for their traditional hats, blankets and
their sturdy ponies. Basotho ponies are renowned for their surefootedness in the mountains and you have the opportunity of an optional pony
trek this afternoon to experience this first-hand. This activity is not for the inexperienced or fainthearted.

Accommodation Malealea Lodge
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlights Morning Hike, Lesotho Village tour
Optional Activity Pony Trekking

Day 11 – South Africa – uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park
We exit Lesotho and travel through the sandstone cliffs of Golden Gate. Our destination is the mountains of the Drakensberg. Running the length
of the Kwazulu-Natal province, the Ukuhlamba Drakensberg Park is a UNESCO recognised world heritage site. Whether you go by the Zulu name
uKhahlamba, meaning ‘barrier of spears’, or the Afrikaans name Drakensberge, meaning ‘dragon mountains’, these towering mountains are a
hiker’s paradise and worthy of exploration.
Accommodation Monks Cowl
The Nest
Route Lesotho to Drakensberg
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Oliviers Hoek Pass

Day 12 – UKhahlamba Drakensberg Park
We set out this morning for a lengthy hike. Along our way we will have the opportunity to view examples of San rock art with a local guide at Battle
Cave. While we encourage everyone to make the most of the day in mountains, we may offer separate options depending on the activity level of
the group. With a number of trails available we can ensure that we cater to every need, the most important aim is to ensure everyone enjoys this
mountain paradise at their own pace.
Accommodation Monks Cowl
The Nest
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Hike with your guide in Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg Park

Day 13 – Kwa Zulu Natal Coast – St Lucia
It’s all downhill as we leave the mountain scenery en route to the Kwazulu Natal Coast. On the 5th August 1962, police waved down a car on a
lonely country road in KwaZulu-Natal. At the wheel was Nelson Mandela. He was arrested and spent 27 years in prison. Today you will have the
opportunity to visit this historic capture site, marked by an impressive sculpture in honour of “Madiba”. We will also stop at the Howick Falls to
listen to the power of the falls and take some photos at the view point. Then it’s onto the bustling city of Durban is South Africa’s largest port
where you will have time to stretch your legs with a stroll along the promenade before heading for our final destination, St Lucia.

Accommodation Shonalanga
Route Drakensberg to St Lucia
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Visit to the Mandela Capture Site, Howick Falls

Day 14 – Hluhluwe – Umfolozi Game Reserve / iSimangaliso Wetland Park
We set out early this morning for a game drive in the nearby Hluhulwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve, one of the last strongholds of the endangered
rhinoceros. While rhinoceros are the most famous of the parks inhabitants, the park also provides a home to many other species, including the Big-
5 that we all hope to see. Returning to our lodging for a siesta, we freshen up for an afternoon boat cruise on St Lucia estuary.

Accommodation Shonalanga
Route Durban to St Lucia
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Game Drive in Hluhluwe/Imfolozi National Park, St. Lucia Boat Cruise

Day 15 – Eswatini – Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
An early start and we are off to Eswatini (formerly known as the Kingdom of Swaziland), this afternoon we have the opportunity to join many of
the optional activities that are offered here. Take your choice from game drives, mountain biking or a visit to the Chief’s village.

Accommodation Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
Route St Lucia to Eswatini
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Optional Activity Game Drives, Swazi Cultural Experience, Mountain Biking and Hiking

Day 16 – Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
Endless hours of self-guided exploration within the small 4560ha Mlilwane sanctuary are possible due to the relative absence of dangerous game.
This morning our guide will lead us out on a nature walk to explore the “ Nature Trail “ which provides interpretation of historical and
environmental information of the area.

Accommodation Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Activity Nature Walk with Nomad guide
Optional Activity Game Drives, Mountain Biking and Hiking

Day 17 – South Africa – Kruger National Park
Setting off back to South Africa, we make aim for the Kruger National Park and begin with our first game drive in the Nomad truck as we enter the
gates of the park. The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s flagship national park and sightings of the “ big five “ has become something of a
quest for many guests. The Kruger NP has more that it’s fair share of animals and with approximately 147 mammal species we will spend our time
in search of both big and small.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve
Route Swaziland to Kruger National Park area
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Activity Game drive in Nomad truck, Kruger National Park

Day 18 – Kruger Park – Panorama Route
We set out a little later today and travel the short distance to the Panorama Route. Strung along the escarpment that divides the central plateau
and low-lying bushveld of the Kruger, the sights of the Panorama route offer us a day of scenic delights. We will visit the highlights of Bourke’s Luck
Potholes, the Three Rondavels and God’s Window before returning to camp in the late afternoon.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Panorama Route – Bourke’s Luck Potholes, Blyde River Canyon, God’s Window

Day 19 – Kruger National Park
Rising early this morning we enter the Kruger National Park to enjoy a full-day of game viewing. This full day game drive offers a unique view of
the park from an open-sided 4×4 vehicle. This evening there is an opportunity for an optional Sundowner Drive.

Accommodation Nkambeni Reserve
Route Kruger National Park
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Included Highlight Kruger National Park 4×4 game drive
Optional Activity Sunset Drive (there is a concession fee applicable)

Day 20 – Kruger National Park to Johannesburg
While those who elect to do the optional morning walk will have an earlier start, we will pack up and set off for our final destination,
Johannesburg. We arrive at Belvedere Estate in the late afternoon and all travellers are invited to join us for a traditional meal tonight. This can be
booked with your guide on the day before arrival. Many great tales are shared and tonight is for celebrating the many wonders of African travel.

Accommodation Own Arrangements / Post tour accommodation can be booked through Nomad.
Route Great Kruger NP area to Johannesburg
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Optional Activity Morning Bush Walk (Subject to Availability) / Traditional meal at Belvedere Estate

SMALL TOURS GROUP – Safari in Zambia e Namibia

Le Cascate Vittoria dello Zambia sono uno dei punti salienti del mondo naturale. Aggiungi gli spettacolari paesaggi desertici della Namibia e avrai una combinazione avvincente.  Un viaggio onnicomprensivo che inizia con Victoria Falls, i punti salienti della Namibia e dello Zambia. Questa è un’avventura attraverso alcune delle zone più spettacolari dell’Africa meridionale.

  • Max 12 persone
  • Guide Safari professionali in lingua inglese
  • Trasporto in Truck
  • 14 colazioni, 11 pranzi e 9 cene
  • Biglietti d’ingresso
  • 3 notti in semplici strutture; 11 notti in campeggio
  • Uso dell’attrezzatura da campeggio (eccetto sacchi a pelo)


[B = Colazione, L = Pranzo, D = Cena]

Giorno 1 – 2 LIVINGSTONE   [campeggio Bx1–]

Il gruppo si ritroverà a Livingstone, in Zambia, alle 14:00. Abbiamo 2 giorni per esplorare Victoria Falls, una meraviglia naturale del mondo, immergendoci nella gola dello Zambesi. Le attività avventurose abbondano, il rafting sul potente Zambesi o un bungi jump di 111 metri (a proprie spese).

Giorno 3 – 4 CAPRIVI   [campeggio BLD]

Uscendo da Livingstone attraversiamo a Sesheke nel Caprivi, una stretta striscia di terra namibiana che si estende tra Angola, Zambia e Botswana. L’abbondanza di grandi fiumi attira una varietà di animali e uccelli e abbiamo 2 giorni per esplorare questa remota e bellissima regione, inclusa una crociera in barca sul fiume Kavango.

5 ° giorno RUNDU [campeggio BLD]

Dopo una mattinata trascorsa   a godere dell’abbondante avifauna che circonda il campo, la nostra strada ci porta direttamente a ovest lungo il fiume Kavango. Villaggi di capanne di erba e artigianato locale in legno e sculture sono uno spettacolo comune. Ci fermiamo per la notte nel nostro campo lungo il fiume a Rundu con uno spettacolare tramonto.

Giorno 6 – 7 PARCO NAZIONALE DI ETOSHA   [campeggio BLD]

Il Parco Nazionale di Etosha, “il grande luogo bianco dell’acqua secca”, nel ricco angolo nord-occidentale della Namibia offre una varietà di fauna selvatica. Facciamo safari intorno all’enorme padella asciutta per trovare elefanti, branchi di antilopi e leoni intorno alle pozze d’acqua prima di accamparci a Namutoni, Halali o Okaukuejo con le loro pozze d’acqua illuminate.

Giorno 8 UGAB WILDERNESS   [campeggio BLD]

La nostra prossima tappa è il Brandberg dove ci accampiamo vicino al letto asciutto del fiume Ugab, dimora dei rari elefanti del deserto. Esploriamo le montagne a piedi con le nostre guide locali, che ci guidano attraverso questa regione ornata di arte rupestre tra cui la “Dama Bianca”.

Giorno 9 SPITZKOP   [campeggio BLD]

Il nostro viaggio copre alcuni bellissimi paesaggi desertici mentre ci spostiamo a sud verso le enormi cupole di granito che si innalzano dal deserto a Spitzkoppe. Ci accampiamo ai piedi di queste enormi cupole e facciamo una passeggiata per esplorare la zona. Il silenzio e gli ampi spazi aperti si aggiungono al mistero e ci godiamo un magnifico tramonto.

Giorno 10 – 11 SWAKOPMUND   [guest house Bx2 Lx1 -]

Attraversiamo pianure aperte fino alla costa dove visitiamo la colonia di foche di Cape Cross. Più a sud si trova la città costiera di Swakopmund. Giornata libera per esplorare la città o provare il quad bike / dune boarding (a proprie spese). Ci godiamo i pasti serali al ristorante (a proprie spese).

Giorno 12 – 13 NAMIB DESERT   [campeggio BLD]

I paesaggi lunari circondano la città di Swakopmund e li visitiamo mentre partiamo per dirigerci nel deserto del Namib con le sue imponenti dune di sabbia rossa. Cammineremo fino a Sossusvlei, esploreremo il Sesriem Canyon e guarderemo tramonti spettacolari sulle dune di sabbia più alte del mondo.

Giorno 14 WINDHOEK   [pensione BL-]

Il fascino della città di Windhoek risiede nella sua armoniosa miscela di culture africane ed europee e nella cordialità della sua gente. Arriviamo in tarda giornata e ci godiamo un pasto al ristorante (a proprie spese).


Il tour termina dopo la colazione nella città di Windhoek. Trasferimenti per l’aeroporto di Windhoek disponibili su richiesta. Si prega di contattare l’ufficio locale al momento della prenotazione per prenotare il trasferimento.


Dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO nel 1981 il parco nazionale del Serengeti è una delle più importanti aree naturali protette dell’Africa orientale. Ha una superficie di quasi 15mila km², si trova nel nord della Tanzania tra il lago Vittoria ed il confine con il Kenya.
Confina inoltre con il parco di Masai Mara, con la riserva naturale di Ngorongoro e con altre importanti riserve.
Il Serengeti è celebre soprattutto per la sua ricchezza faunistica, sono presenti fra gli altri tutti e cinque i cosiddetti Big Five: elefante, leone, leopardo, rinoceronte (nero) e bufalo.
Le mandrie di ungulati (soprattutto zebre e gnu) raggiungono in questa regione dimensioni eccezionali e danno luogo a spettacolari migrazioni stagionali; ogni anno più di due milioni di capi migrano attraverso le pianure meridionali del Serengeti accompagnati da antilopi, gazzelle, leoni.
Durante la stagione secca si concentrano lungo le rive dei fiumi (il Grumeti nel western corridor a partire da metà maggio fino agli inizi di luglio, il Mara nel Serengeti settentrionale e nel Masai Mara da inizio luglio a inizio novembre.

Stagionalità, quando andare

Il clima tropicale della zona è caratterizzato da due periodi di piogge stagionali: le “grandi piogge” da aprile a giugno e le “piccole piogge” da ottobre a dicembre.
La principale stagione turistica è compresa fra i mesi di gennaio e febbraio, quando il clima caldissimo e asciutto è considerato il più piacevole dell’anno.
Per visitare il Serengeti nel suo momento migliore sarà invece meglio evitare la stagione secca (maggio/novembre), poiché in questo periodo praticamente tutti gli animali migrano in Kenia.


Il parco nazionale del Chobe del Botswana si trova nel nordovest del paese, nei pressi della città di Kasane. Ha un’area di oltre 10mila km². In ordine di superficie è la terza area protetta del Botswana (dopo il Central Kalahari Game Reserve e il Gemsbok National Park).
Il Chobe è però di gran lunga il parco più rinomato del Botswana ed uno dei più noti dell’intera Africa per la varietà e l’abbondanza della vegetazione e della fauna.

Il parco può essere suddiviso in quattro aree, ognuna con un diverso tipo di habitat:

  • Serondela: area nell’estremità nordorientale del parco che è caratterizzata da pianure rigogliose e foreste di teck. Si affaccia sul fiume Chobe presso cui si radunano grandi erbivori come elefanti e bufali. È zona più visitata del parco, anche in ragione della sua prossimità alle cascate Vittoria. Si trovano nei pressi di questa zona anche la città di Kasane e l’ingresso settentrionale del parco.
  • Savuti Marsh: costituisce la protuberanza occidentale del parco. Lo stagno di Savuti è ciò che resta di un grande lago preistorico, prosciugatosi in seguito a movimenti tettonici. Oggi ad alimentare lo stagno rimane solo il canale di Savuti il cui flusso d’acqua durante l’anno è fortemente irregolare. Nella regione si trovano ampie zone di savana e di prateria ricca di fauna.
  • Lo stagno di Linyanti, nell’angolo nordoccidentale del parco, sopra Savuti, si affaccia sul fiume Linyanti. Questa zona confina a ovest con la riserva di Selinda e a nord, oltre il fiume Kwando, con il parco nazionale Mamili (Namibia). Attorno al Linyanti e al Kwando cresce abbonante vegetazione fluviale e si formano diverse lagune. Anche qui la fauna è abbondante: si avvistano leoni, leopardi, sciacalli, antilopi, ippopotami, elefanti e coccodrilli, oltre a una ricchissima avifauna.
  • Il cosiddetto “hinterland” compreso fra Linyanti e Savuti, è una zona di pianura alberata in cui abbondano gli eland.

Stagionalità, quando andare

L’inverno va da maggio ad agosto ed è un buon periodo per visitare il parco Chobe, in questa stagione le giornate sono piacevoli e gli animali non si allontanano mai dalle pozze d’acqua.
In generale giugno ed i primi di luglio e la seconda metà di settembre sono i momenti più tranquilli dell’anno, mentre l’estate non è la stagione ideale per percorrere le strade secondarie, osservare la fauna selvatica o esplorare l’Okavango, dal momento che il prolungarsi delle piogge può rendere impraticabili le piste sabbiose, inoltre gli animali si disperdono quando l’acqua abbonda.